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Long farewell to the Roman army

The Roman expedition, already on its last legs, now collapsed entirely. And this is how Belisarius concluded the Gothic war. In despair he begged the Emperor to let him come home as fast as...

It is dangerous to be a Christian

“I am a Christian,” she said quietly. “We are forbidden to worship any god except our own, and any graven image.”“But it is dangerous to be a Christian.” He was serious now, for he...

Flavius Valerius Constantinus a centurion assigned henceforth

For whatever reason, Diocletian did not immediately put into effect the decree he had discussed with Constantine, but the promise of a position in the Imperial Guard was fulfilled immediately. The following day, the...

Precious metal in the coinage Dominus

“I can see the advantage of fixing the amount of precious metal in the coinage, Dominus,” he said. “But I don’t think setting prices mid wages will be effective.”“Why? I’m only trying to bring...

Fish Bread